Training Grants
Graduate Division supports the efforts of Principal Investigators (PIs) applying for training grants by providing any of the following items:
Institutional Letter of Support
Matching 25% of Student Support of Grant Expenditures (stipends and tuition/fees only).
Diversity Component (Recruitment and Retention plans) and Campus Professional/Personal Development Resources for Trainees
Predoctoral Student Data Tables for Training Grants, as needed and applicable to each grant.
NEW! FACULTY INCENTIVES for new and renewal submissions
$5K upon submission + $5K upon Notice of Award
UCI Graduate Division will provide $5000 to UCI PI(s) who submit training grant applications (new or renewal) to funding agency. This form must be submitted within 2 months of grant submission along with agency confirmation.
Upon receipt of Notice of Award, UCI Graduate Division will provide an additional $5000 incentive to PI(s). This form must be submitted within 2 months of Notice of Award along with agency notice.
Should there be multiple PIs, the incentive(s) will be divided equally. Incentive begins September 12, 2024 and may be paused at the discretion of the division.
- Current Fellowships
- Training Grants
- NSF GRFP Incentive Program
- Financial Aid
- Tax Information
- Employment
- Teaching Assistantships
- Research Assistantships
- Childbirth Accommodation & Childcare Reimbursement
- Other Resources
- NRST Remission Program & Flexible Fund
- Graduate Federal Work Study
- Rose Hill Awardees
- Direct New Training Grant PIs to the appropriate NIH Institute & Center (IC) and assist New and Renewal grant PDs with strategic funding approach. Also provide:
Institutional data for TABLE 1 - Census of Participating Departments & Interdepartmental Programs.
Master TABLE 3 - Federal Institutional Research Training Grants and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members.
5 Year Predoctoral student institutional data TABLE 6A - Applicants, Entrants, and Their Characteristics for the Past Five Years.
5 Year available Postdoctoral data TABLE 6B – Applicants, Entrants, and Their Characteristics for the Past Five Years.
Templates or data table collection (Check compatibility with the Tables with which you are working).
Boilerplates for Diversity Component (Recruitment and Retention plans) and Campus Professional/Personal Development Resources for Trainees.
- Review completed Data Tables for accuracy and consistency. (To ensure timely assistance, send completed Data Tables at least TWO weeks prior to date of submission or the planned date of submission.)
- Flex funds to be used for evaluation, retreats and professional development activities that cannot be covered by the training grant budget.
To receive above support for T32 training grants, R25, and any other training grant with elaborated tables, email a request including all information below to Finance Director Dessi Pickett ( and Database Manager Lily Truong (, copying Associate Dean Adria Imada ( To ensure a thorough and timely response, minimum lead time of 5 weeks (for Predoctoral ONLY application) and 8 weeks (for Predoctoral/Postdoctoral applications) prior to SPA due date is requested.
Name of funding agency, Funding Opportunity Announcement with a weblink and title of training grant
Date due to SPA
If the grant will include both predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees (needed for Letter of Support)
Number of predoctoral trainees to be supported and preliminary budget for stipends and tuition/fees for trainees (used for tracking Graduate Division cost share)
- For the predoctoral student data, please provide a list of graduate programs/departments included in the training grant proposal (Use the form here)
- If Graduate Division support is needed for a resubmission, submit a new request to Finance Director Dessi Pickett ( and Database Manager Lily Truong (, copying Associate Dean Adria Imada (
If the training grant is funded, provide Graduate Division with a copy of the agency award letter (used for tracking Graduate Division cost share) and an annual progress report (same progress report submitted to funding agency). This should be emailed to Finance Director Dessi Pickett ( and Database Manager Lily Truong (, copying Associate Dean Adria Imada (
*When accessing protected Training Grants, please make sure you're signed into Google with your UCINetID.
Active UC Irvine Training Grants
Please confirm all data, application dates, and requirements with PIs and faculty
T32 Training Grants
Detailed NIH T32 Table 3:
Training Grants Boilerplates
Successful T-32 Training Grants
Other Successful Training Grants
Current NIH Training Grants
PI: Andersen, Bogi
PI: Ganesan, Anand
Trainees: Graduate students and Post-doctorate Trainees
Project Period: 2022-2027
Link for abstract
T32 AG000096
PI: Tenner, Andrea
(949) 824-3268
PI: Stark, Craig
(949) 824-4201
Trainees: Predoc/ Postdoc
Project Period: 1982-2029
Link for abstract
T32 CA009054-41
PI: Fruman, David
(949) 824-1947, 2274
PI: Edinger, Aimee
(949) 824-1921
Trainees: Graduate students and Post-doctorate Trainees
Project Period: 1980-2026
Link for abstract
PI: Grill, Joshua
(949) 824-5905
PI: Head, Elizabeth
(949) 824-1225
Trainees: Graduate students and Post-doctorate Trainees
Project Period: 2021-2026
Link for abstract
PI: Lane, Thomas
PI:Green, Kim
949- 824-3859
Trainees: Graduate students
Project Period: 2022-2027
Link for abstract
PI:Palczewski, Krzysztof
PI:Chang Liu
Trainees: Graduate students
Project Period: 2022-2027
Link for abstract
(949) 824-1867
PI: Xu, Xiangmin
PI:Holmes, Todd
Trainees: Graduate students and Post-doctorate Trainees
Project Period: 2024-2029
Link for abstract
PI: Yokomori, Kyoko
(949) 824-8215
PI: Mozaffar, Tahseen
PI: Villalta, Armando
Trainees: Graduate students and Post-doctorate Trainees
Project Period: 2024-2029
Link for abstract
PI: Lander, Arthur D.
(949) 824-1721
PI: Nie, Qing
(949) 824-5530
Project Period: 2020-2025
Link for abstract
NIH/ R25
NIH R25 Systems Biology: A Foundation for Interdisciplinary Careers
NIH R25 MBRS IMSD Program at the University of California, Irvine
NIH R25 A short Course in Cancer Systems Biology
NIH R25 Orange County Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program
NIH R25 Broadening Research Achievement in Neurosciences (Brain) for a Diverse Workforce.
NIH R25 Irvine Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Undergraduate Data Science
Link for abstract
Other NIH Training Grants
Institute for Clinical and Translational Science NRSA Training
Link for abstract
K08 MH102336: Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award
Summer Mentoring and Research Training (SMART)
PI: Gupta, Kalpna
PI: Kalantar, Kamyar
Project Period: 2021-2026
Link for abstract
U.S. Department of Education (DOED)
H325D190031: Integrated Research Training: Languare and Literacy Disabilities
H325D220045: Scientific Knowledge in Language & Literacy Diversity(SKLLD)
This project will directly contribute to a significant increase in the number of doctoral-level personnel with knowledge of pedagogical approaches, assessments, and of technologies that are culturally and linguistically responsive, and who will be able to effectively train Master’s level clinical specialists including speech language pathology, reading disabilities, and special education where there are critical shortages.
GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need)
P200A180013GAANN: Fellowships in Aerospace Engineering
PI: Jabbari, Faryar
Tel: (949)824-6433
(NCE-Year 4)
P200A210001 GAANN: Graduate Fellowship in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
PI: Sorte, Cascade
Tel: (949)824-6971
P200A210003 GAANN: Graduate Fellowships in Psychological Science
PI: Quas, Jodi
Tel: (949)824-7693
P200A210012 GAANN: Graduate Fellowships in Cybersecurity
PI: Malek, Sam
Tel: (949) 824-0639
P200A210021GAANN: Graduate Fellowships in Aerospace Engineering
PI: Jabbari, Faryar
Tel: (949)824-6433
P200A210024 GAANN: Fellowship in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
PI: Morrissette, Naomi
Tel: (949)824-9243
P200A210077 GAANN: Graduate Fellowship in Civil & Environmental Engineering
PI: Detwiler, Russell
Tel: (949)824-71532
Current NSF Training Grants
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT)
PI: Vasan Venugopalan
(949) 824-5802
California’s Stem Cell Agency (CIRM)
MELLON Foundation
5+2 and Humanities Core: Reforming Graduate Education through Improved Humanities Teaching: An Integrative Approach
PI: Tyrus Miller
U.S.–China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) for Water-Energy Solutions and Technologies
PI: Vasan Venugopalan
(949) 824-5802
Graduate Professional Success in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (GPS-STEM) program started in October 2019 and is sponsored by the Schools of Biological Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Physical Sciences and the Provost’s Office. The program serves both PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows from all S.T.E.M disciplines.
GPS-STEM program is designed to better prepare our scientists for a variety of careers within the S.T.E.M research workforce, and empower them to become not only skilled researchers, but also polished professionals. GPS-STEM works to create, identify and support innovative approaches to broaden graduate and postdoctoral training STEM.
The program is designed to achieve following goals –
- Increase awareness and interest in diverse careers outside of academic research (EXPLORE).
- Improve communication and other skills needed to pursue academic and non-academic career paths (TRAIN).
- Provide hands-on experience through on campus and external internships (EXPERIENCE).
- Build networks that allow our members to prepare for and transition to diverse careers (TRANSITION).
GPS-STEM was formerly called GPS-BIOMED, which was funded by a NIH-BEST award to increase career and professional development of trainees in the biomedical sciences. In Oct 2019, after the NIH-BEST funding expired, the program transitioned and expanded to all S.T.E.M disciplines.
PI: David Fruman
(949) 824-1947, 2274
Director: Harinder Singh
(949) 824-8372.
The University of California, Irvine, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities.