Grad Preparation Programs
Graduate school is a challenge, but we can help make sure you’re as prepared as possible. Click below to see some of our high-level graduate prep programs.

UC Irvine Leads
The UC LEADS program offers educationally or economically disadvantaged sophomore and junior STEM students programs an opportunity to begin their research training.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
UC Irvine’s SURF program offers undergraduate and master’s diversity students an opportunity to work with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate preparation workshops.

California Pre-Doctoral Program
Each year the UC Irvine Graduate Division in partnership with the CSU Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Program hosts CPDP scholars in either the SURF or Competitive Edge summer programs.

Competitive Edge
The Competitive Edge Summer Research Program is a pre-entry summer research program designed to support entering doctoral and MFA students from diverse backgrounds.

Summer Research Program for CSULB BUILD Students
UC Irvine’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program offers undergraduate and master’s CSULB BUIILD students an opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate preparation workshops.