Application Fee
Application Fee Information
- The application fee is $135 for U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents, and $155 for all international applicants. The application fee is non-refundable.
- Payment must be made by credit card. Checks cannot be accepted.
- Please check in with your individual department or program to see when the application fee is due.
- Fee Waivers are available to qualified domestic applicants only. Eligibility to apply for a fee waiver is determined by participation in one or more of the Graduate Preparation programs listed below or US veteran status. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer fee waivers on any other basis (financial circumstances, participation in programs not listed below, etc).

Fee Waivers
Fee waivers are available for fall quarter admission for up to two state supported programs only. They are open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and DACA/AB540 eligible only; international students are not eligible. Eligibility is based on program participation or US veteran status and is determined by completion of the online application. If, based on information provided on the application, an applicant is determined to be eligible to apply for a waiver, instructions will be presented on the application itself. This will allow you to upload your required document(s) (see below) and submit your application. Your application will not be reviewed until a fee waiver is granted or the fee is paid. Please note that waivers are not automatically granted.
Fee Waiver Request Deadline:
Application fee waivers are available to eligible applicants.
Applicants requesting a fee waiver must upload and submit their graduate application 5 days before prior to their individual graduate program deadline or by March 4th (whichever comes first) of the same calendar year.
Documentation required for approving a fee waiver request must be uploaded directly to the graduate application and submitted as part of the graduate application for admission.
Applicants requesting a fee waiver who do not meet this deadline will be required to pay the application fee. Applications can be submitted before outstanding materials such as letters of recommendation and test scores are received. Those items will be matched to your application once they are received.
If you opt to not request a fee waiver and upload your documentation, the application fee will be required. All payments are final. If you submit a payment, you will not receive a refund. If your request for a fee waiver is not approved, you will receive an email requesting the application fee.
Please pay close attention to deadlines for submission of fee waiver requests and documentation. If the graduate program to which you are applying has an earlier deadline than listed above, your fee waiver documentation must be received and approved prior to the individual program’s deadline.
Waiver Type | Who is Eligible? | Document(s) Required |
Diversity Program Participation Based Waivers | Applicants who are participants in good standing or who were participants in good standing at the time of their graduation. | A letter or email from your program director attesting to your participation. |
U.S. Veteran | U.S. military veterans with a honorable or general discharge. | DD214 |
Programs that are Eligible for Fee Waivers:
- Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP)
- Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (BRIDGES)
- Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD)
- Cal Bridge
- California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)
- California State University Pre-Doctoral Program (Cal Pre-Doc)
- Cientifico Latino
- Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
- Gates Millennium Scholars Program
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
- LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate (BD)
- Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
- Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)
- Minority Access to Research Careers Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U-STAR)
- Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (MBRS)
- Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Program (MHIRT)
- Minority Opportunities in Research (MORE)
- National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences (Math Alliance)
- National Institute of Mental Health Career Opportunities in Research (NIMH COR)
- Research in Science & Engineering (RISE)
- Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair)
- Student Outreach and Retention Graduate Access Program (SOAR)
Summer Institute for Emerging Managers and Leaders (SIEML)
- University of California Historically Black Colleges and Universities (UC HBCU) Participant
- University of California Irvine Summer Research Program (SRP)
- University of California Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS)