Career Explorations

Welcome to UC Irvine’s Graduate Division
We are excited to provide many opportunities for both our graduate students and our Industry Partners!
For our Graduate Students:
We are excited to present to you Professional Development opportunities to prepare you for both non-academic and academic career opportunities.
Career Explorations: A web-based hiring portal powered by 12twenty, designed to assist you in your search for internships and career opportunities. This is a relatively new site, we continue to build relationships with industry partners, adding new opportunities for our Graduate Students. We encourage you to update your profile and add a resume. As opportunities arise, we can share your resume directly with potential employers with your permission.
Micro-Internships: An excellent way to explore non-academic career pathways! Students from all areas of study can execute professional assignments to build and demonstrate skills while exploring a variety of career paths. Powered by Parker Dewey, there are many short-term internship opportunities that can be done at all stages of your academic career. This is a great way to learn about different companies, roles, and career paths, as well as build your resume!
A2i, Accelerate to Industry: Currently focused on PhD and Postdoctoral Scholars interested in exploring and preparing for non-academic career pathways, A2i is a modular-based professional development program.
Beyond the Professoriate: A PhD Career Training Platform that host live events and has a plethora of resources to prepare you and help you explore the non-academic career pathway.
GPSRC: The Graduate and Postdoc Resource center is a valuable resource center on campus that hosts both in person and virtual workshops focused on professional development and well-being. Register for events and see what’s coming next on Campus Groups Graduate Division.
For Employers:
Career Explorations: A web-based hiring portal designed to help you manage your entire recruiting process! Become a Strategic Partner TODAY! We are here to support your organization’s efforts to connect with, recruit and hire the UCI Graduate students that will best suite your company’s needs. The UCI Graduate Division provides exclusive opportunities for UCI graduates and PhD students to prepare for workforce readiness. Let a UCI graduate student help take your organization to the next level. With many nationally ranked programs and exposure to professional development opportunities, these students are our world’s future leaders and innovators.
The Career Explorations portal will help to:
- Post, track, and store job postings
- Access and download resumes.
- Request recruiting and info session dates
- Monitor student sign-ups for your events.
- Maintain company contact information.
- Keep an ongoing history of your recruiting activities.
Micro-Internships: UCI Graduate Division is excited to highlight an opportunity for our corporate and nonprofit partners to offer short-term, professional, paid work experiences to current students through Micro-Internships. Through Micro-Internships, students can demonstrate their skills, explore career paths, and develop their professional networks. Unlike a traditional internship, these paid opportunities typically range from 10 to 40 hours of work, and most can be completed remotely. Not only does this help the students, but it allows you as employers to get immediate support and enhance your company’s pipeline for future interns and new hires. Please click here to explore, or contact Jennifer Ellinger for additional information.
A2i, Accelerate to Industry: UCI offers you an opportunity to collaborate through career panel discussions, site visits, workshops, networking events, Lunch & Learn events, and professional development conferences to help shape the future of workforce readiness at your company. Through A2i, you can promote your company, recruit, and directly impact the training of graduate and postdoctoral researchers. To learn more, please contact Jennifer Ellinger,