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University of California, Irvine
Graduate Division
120 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-3180
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-3:00PM
(Closed from Noon-1:00PM)
Topic | Contact |
Graduate admissions and application questions | Contact Graduate Admissions |
School/program specific related inquiries | Please visit the Graduate Degree Programs page |
General inquiries | Email or dial the front desk at (949) 824-4611 |
Graduate Division Staff Directory
Dean's Office

Dean of the Graduate Division
Responsible for Graduate Student Academic policy, student advising and UCI Policy exceptions review, Student Academic Affairs; serves as the Graduate Council Liaison.

Oversees External Relations for UCI Graduate Division, including fundraising, alumni relations, communications. She also oversees finance, data, fellowship administration, human resources, and serves as the Chief of Staff for the division.

Develops and sustains academic programs that increase admission, inclusive excellence, retention, and completion. Expands pathways, professional development, and funding opportunities for students.

Directs strategic planning and policy analysis for Academic Affairs; oversees development and implementation of campus' graduate application, admissions, and enrolled systems; co-Functional Lead for the Graduate Division for campus SIS project. Oversees and reviews all academic exceptions including admissions, student progress, student status, and other policy exceptions. Directs the Graduate Academic Programs office, the Graduate Outreach, Recruitment and Diversity areas; and Postdoctoral and Extramural Affairs. Directs and provides guidance to the Graduate Academic Counselor; consults on student issues and ASE and Postdoctoral contract compliance.

Oversees all aspects of human resources and personnel processes for the department. This includes recruitment, performance management, employee and labor relations, professional development, engagement, employee retention, monitoring training compliance, and classification and compensation.
Coordinates calendar, appointments, conference calls, meetings, travel, special projects, and communication support for the Vice Provost/Dean.

Coordinates calendar, appointments, conference calls, meetings, travel, special projects, and communication support for the Associate Vice Provost.

Directs all internal and external communication efforts for the Graduate Division. If you are a member of the media, please contact Derrick.

Collaborates with the Director of Communications to capture and share the story of graduate education, develops multimedia assets for events, advertises programs, develops content calendars and strategic marketing plans, while implementing UCI Graduate Division's overall marketing strategy.

Involves the marketing of activities, services or product; provides marketing support activities. Involves the analysis of identifying possible constituencies and/or audiences and the development of programs, services, and outreach to meet identified needs and influence public perception. Collaborates with the communications team to work on "brand" development and working with the media.
External Affairs

Graduate Division’s alumni relations initiatives and oversees major Graduate Division events.

Postdoctoral Affairs & Extramural Support

Oversees the Outreach, Retention, Academic Services and Policy area; and coordinates the Graduate Division’s review process for new graduate programs. Also serves as the Graduate Division staff liaison to the Graduate Council, conducts research on programs and academic policy, and provides information to deans, faculty, senior staff and students regarding academic program parameters, graduate program planning, development, and administration. Plays a lead role in developing grant applications seeking funding for Graduate Division initiatives.

Manages the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and provides fellowship advising for the NSF GRFP, Ford and Fulbright Programs. Administers the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Researches and publicizes funding and professional development opportunities for postdoctoral scholars. Develops and implements professional development workshops and events for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

Assist with coordinating the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and provides support for the Grad Division and Office of Postdoctoral Affairs team. Coordinates professional development workshops for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Admissions & Academic Affairs

Leads the administration and maintenance of admissions systems, including analysis and implementation of system enhancements. Manages, coordinates and analyzes policies, processes and daily operations for Graduate Admissions.

Manages and supervises daily admissions operations. Coordinates the processing of foreign applications and review of foreign university transcripts. Analyzes admissions processes and provides training on admissions systems.
Responsible for functional and technical project assistance. Analyzes and configures enhancements in the admissions systems. Provides academic units support, system training and administrative support.
Responsible for functional and technical project assistance. Analyzes and configures enhancements in the admissions systems. Provides academic unit support, communications and administrative support.

Processes applications and verifies admissions requirements. Provides transcript analysis including processing and management. Assists with system enhancement testing.
Directs strategic planning, development, and implementation of Graduate Division Information Technology services to help realize campus goals for graduate education. Functions as primary technology contact and lead developer. Serves as the Graduate Division’s Information Security Custodian

Provides operations and administrative support related to graduate student services. Coordinates the enrollment services including degree paperwork, advancement to candidacy, filing fee petitions, coursework petitions (transfer, waiver, substitution), changes in major, degree status changes, committee changes, assessments/reassessments, certification of degrees and re-admission.

Provides operations and administrative support related to graduate student services. Coordinates Grad Division Forms for: Enrollment services including degree paperwork, advancement to candidacy, filing fee petitions, coursework petitions(transfer, waiver, substitution), changes in major, degree status changes, committee changes, assessments/reassessments, certification of degrees and Intercampus Exchange for all grad students.

Provides operations and administrative support related to graduate student services. Coordinates Grad Division Forms for Part-Time Study, Leave of Absence Petitions, In-Absentia, filing fee petitions, change of major and the cancellation/withdrawals process for all grad students.
Graduate Recruitment & Retention

Implements strategic graduate recruitment planning. Oversees all entering student diversity fellowships and graduate application fee waivers. Provides operations leadership for special recruitment and retention project implementation. Primary contact for the Summer Undergraduate Research Program and continuing student diversity fellowships.

Serves as the DECADE program coordinator and oversees the Competitive Edge summer research program.

Serves as the UC LEADS program coordinator and as the primary contact for the Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Coordinates the graduate recruitment planning and graduate preparation programs on campus. Primary contact for graduate application fee waivers.

Provides support and referral services to graduate students and post-doctoral scholars in personal distress or in need of academic counseling. Serves as a point of reference for faculty and staff in need of assistance in dealing with difficult student cases.

Provides support and referral services to graduate students and post-doctoral scholars in personal distress or in need of academic counseling. Serves as a point of reference for faculty and staff in need of assistance in dealing with difficult student cases.
Serves as the Graduate InterConnect program coordinator. Supports the academic success of the graduate international student population through program development and student advising; serves as a liaison to academic programs and faculty. Supports international graduate student recruitment efforts.
Graduate Student Affairs

Supervises the programmatic activities of the GPSRC including event organization, implementation, promotional efforts, and evaluation. Manages the operational needs for the facility including resource management and administrative support.
Employment & Fellowships

Manages the daily operations of the Graduate Student Employment area including compliance with academic policies and collective bargaining agreements, fee remissions, and UC Path. Oversees and reviews all employment and fellowship exceptions, childbirth accommodations, and childcare reimbursements.

Responsible for overseeing Graduate Division fellowships and managing the pre-award process for all non-recruitment fellowships. Also serves as the operations manager for the unit.

Coordinates graduate student employment and advises on academic and employment policies. Analyzes all graduate student financials specifically for employment remission and funding, including UCPath and Grad Aid reconciliation. Reviews all employment exceptions. Coordinates annual ASE projections.
Finance, Operations & Data Management

Responsible for student financial support; oversees graduate student financial support data and databases as well as coordinating enrollment management, fiscal close and operations.
Maintains the graduate student database (financial support, enrollments, etc.) as well as its development and maintenance; Provides graduate student tracking; financial support tracking; accounts maintenance; and fiscal close.

Responsible for university-funded fellowships; foreign student tax reporting and tax treaty interpretation; processing of stipends and fellowships; and coordination of centralized, non-diversity fellowship competitions.

Provides internal analysis of student financial support and institutional data technical assistance. Student database support.
Gathers and analyzes graduate student data using customized database and queries. Collates and transforms complex information from multiple sources into a single coherent dataset for better strategic analysis and reporting.