Child Care
Information for postdoctoral scholars on obtaining child care on the UCI campus and via other resources.
Childcare Reimbursement:
In accordance with the current contractual agreement between the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) and the University of California for the Postdoctoral Scholars Unit (“PX Agreement”), Postdoctoral Scholars will be eligible for reimbursements for qualifying childcare expenses incurred. Effective October 1, 2024 the reimbursement limit increased to $2,600 for the calendar year. Per the agreement with the UAW and The University of California, the limit will increase each year on October 1st[1]. For our campus, eligibility requirements and reimbursement claim process information is as follows:
Postdoc Eligibility
- The Postdoc must have an active, union covered, Postdoc appointment at the time the childcare cost is incurred.
- The Postdoc must not have an outside funding source that provides childcare reimbursement equal to, or more than, the maximum reimbursement amount.
- Example 1: NIH-NRSA provides $2,500 for childcare reimbursement in 2023, so Postdocs who receive the NIH-NRSA do not qualify for UC’s childcare reimbursement program.
- Example 2: An outside fund provides $1,000 in childcare reimbursement, $1,500 can be requested through UC’s childcare reimbursement program.
- Forms must be submitted along the following deadlines:
Childcare Expense Incurred Date | Submission Deadline Date |
Oct 1 – Dec 31 | Jan 31 |
Jan 1 – Mar 31 | Apr 30 |
Apr 1 – Jun 30 | Jul 31 |
July 1 – Sept 30 | Oct 31 |
Qualifying Dependents
- The dependent must be 12 years of age or younger at the time the expense is incurred
- The dependent must live in the eligible Postdoc’s home, at least part-time
- Inclusive of adopted and foster child(ren)
- Childcare services are the only reimbursable expense; fees, food, diapers, etc. are not eligible unless on department pre-approved travel
- Childcare provided while the Postdoc is traveling for professional purposes, that is pre-approved by department, has additional eligible expenses. Departments will need to verify the travel as well as the travel dates when submitting the form to ServiceNow. Some of the eligible expenses are:
- Extra childcare at home while the Postdoctoral Scholar is on approved travel
- On-site childcare while the Postdoctoral Scholar is on approved travel
- Transportation of child and/or caregiver to the Postdoctoral Scholar’s approved travel location
- Food and lodging for a caregiver when they stay overnight to care for the child while the Postdoctoral Scholar is on approved travel
- The cost of shipping expressed breastmilk for a child at home while the Postdoctoral Scholar is on approved travel.
- The childcare provider must be licensed, and can be a summer program or camp, as long as they are not included on
the following list of ineligible care providers. - Ineligible Childcare Providers:
- the spouse of the Postdoc
- child of the employee under age 19
- a friend or relative living in the same household as the employee
- someone else the employee claims as a dependent for tax purposes
- Receipts must include:
- Dates of childcare
- Name of the child that care is provided for
- Amount paid
- Expenses cannot be claimed for more than one childcare program, such as Dependent Care, Professional Travel Childcare Expense Program, or outside funding sources that includes reimbursements up to and over the amount of UCI’s program.
Reimbursement Submission Process:
- Postdoctoral Scholars will need to complete, sign, and submit the Postdoctoral Scholars Childcare Reimbursement Form (UBEN 255) along with the childcare receipts to their hiring department. Reimbursement can only be requested after the expense has been incurred after October 1, 2023.
- Departments will review the form and receipts, and the postdoc’s funding source for childcare reimbursement precedence. The department representative will need to sign the form confirming that it is complete, and all requirements are met, and then submit the form plus receipts to ServiceNow.
- Graduate Division will review the request for eligibility requirements and submit payment. Payments are processed through payroll as taxable earnings, along payroll deadlines/paydays
Forms and Additional Information:
Postdoc Childcare Reimbursement Factsheet
For questions about the processing of childcare reimbursements, please contact your department.
For questions related to labor contract provisions, please contact your Union representative
[1] October 1, 2023: $2500; October 1, 2024: $2600; October 1, 2025: $2700; October 1, 2026: $2800
On-Campus Child Care
UC Irvine Child Care Services are available for postdoctoral scholars with families. Child Care Services offers five convenient, safe centers designed to support, nurture and enhance all areas of children’s development. They also offer opportunities to connect with other campus community members and resources. Programs range from infant (starting at 3 months) to after-school care.
Postdoctoral scholars interested in child care should contact Child Care Services and apply for enrollment immediately, as the waiting list for each program can be lengthy.
501 Adobe Circle Road
Email UCI Childcare
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays
Off-Campus Child Care Resources
Sitter City
UCI employees are given a free subscription service to Sitter City. Fill out the online form to sign-up and find babysitters and nannies.
Search online for child care providers. Free to search for a provider (Child care center, babysitter, nanny). There is a fee for more advanced features. You can sign-up here.