Research Assistantships

General Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) Information

During the academic year, GSRs may be appointed for a maximum of half-time service (220 hours/quarter). Registration as a full-time student (12 units) is required, and students must meet academic eligibility requirements for grades, GPA and satisfactory progress. The duration and extent of such appointments vary by academic unit. Students should contact their departments for further information. 

*Please note that SSGPDP students are not allowed to be hired as graduate student researchers.*

Hiring a GSR?

  • The first step to hire a GSR, will be to coordinate with the UCPath processor in your school, regardless of the student’s home department.
  • The school/department where the student’s lab is located should process the hiring for the grant, including those students from other schools and departments.
  • If you are unsure as to who that would be, please check with either the Chief Personnel Officer (CPO), Management Services Officer (MSO), Managers of Academic & Administrative Business Office (MAABO), or Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Principal Investigator’s (PI) School.

Definition of GSRs

  • Graduate Student Researcher 

Graduate student who performs research as a condition of receiving financial remuneration from funding generated by the University in an academic department or research unit, provided that the graduate student is performing this funded research under the control of the University and under the specific direction of a faculty member or authorized Principal Investigator.

  • Graduate Student Researcher Fellow

Graduate student who (i) obtains individual fellowship(s) where receipt of the fellowship funding requires the performance of a service for the University; and (ii) performs research in an academic department or research unit, provided that the graduate student is performing this fellowship research under the control of the University and under the specific direction of a faculty
member or authorized Principal Investigator.

  • Graduate Student Researcher Trainee

Where the graduate student meets the terms identified under Graduate Student Researcher above and the funding source from which they receive remuneration deems that the money provided cannot be characterized as wages, the graduate student is an employee and the University will place the graduate student employee in a new “Trainee” title code that reflects that the money provided is not subject to a W-2. 

Academic Requirements

  • A minimum GPA of 3.0*
  • Satisfactory academic progress towards degree objective
  • A letter grade of C, S, or above in all courses completed in the last three quarters
  • No more than two (2) Incomplete grades (except where stricter school policies apply) in the last three quarters

*Please note, cumulative last 3 quarter GPA

Union Representation

All Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) appointments are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the University of California and The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW).

Benefits for GSR Appointments

Campus policy regarding GSR fee and tuition remission applies to all students employed in the GSR series with an appointment of at least 25% time for the entire quarter. Each eligible student’s total assessed fees/tuition (and nonresident supplemental tuition, if applicable), must be paid as a condition of their GSR appointment. Charges are to be debited directly to applicable extramural awards or other funding source(s) paying the student’s salary when the student registers each quarter.

  • Full Fee/Tuition and Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition Remission

Payment of 100% of the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) premium, Student Services Fee, Campus-based Fees, Tuition, and Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition (NRST) if applicable, components of a student’s assessment per quarter. Remissions may also include 100% payment of the One-Time Document Fee and the UC Graduate and Professional Council Fee (UCGPC), if applicable.

DCP Coverage in accordance with UC Retirement Plan (Summer employment only), please visit the Voluntary UC Retirement Savings Program page

  • Childbirth Accommodation and Childcare Reimbursement

Consistent with UC Irvine’s priority for establishing and encouraging family-friendly policies, please visit the Childbirth Accommodation and Childcare Reimbursement page.

  • DepCare FSA 

The DepCare FSA for Academic Student Employees, including GSRs, allows you to pay for eligible expenses for care of your child or eligible adult dependent on a pretax basis, please visit the DepCare FSA page.

  • Federal Work Study

Graduate students who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and appointed as a GSR may be eligible for Federal Work Study funding administered by the Graduate Division at UC Irvine. Students do not apply directly for Federal Work Study funding, but may be nominated by their schools for such funding. Please visit the Federal Work Study page.  

Transitional Position Pilot Program (TPPP)

  • Application Form

This form is to apply for the Transitional Position Pilot Program. Before completing this application, please review the program overview information provided below and confirm you meet all program criteria and requirements as established below. This program is only available to graduate student employees currently appointed as Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs), who have an appointment funded by a Principal Investigator (PI), and who are represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW).

Please contact the Graduate Studies Director or Chief Personnel Officer of your hiring School with any questions regarding the program and your application. Once completed (save it as a PDF), the application form above must be submitted thru Graduate Division’s Service Now.

  • Overview & Eligibility Criteria
  1. A Transitional Position Pilot Program will be implemented at each location by March 6, 2025, and will expire with expiration of the BR collective bargaining agreement. The goal of the program is to provide a new transitional position to a limited number of graduate student employees who have PI-funded appointments, when the graduate student employee’s PI left the University or when there exists irreparable employment-related conflict in the supervisor-supervisee relationship (see eligibility criteria below).
  2. Graduate student employees who are selected will receive up to one quarter of a transitional position as an ASE or GSR, subject to all the terms and conditions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and subject to the conditions outlined below:
    1. At UCI: Up to 6 graduate student employees per year per location will receive a transitional position; i.e., two graduate student employees per quarter, per campus.
    2. At UCI, there is a financial cap of $70,000 per year to fund this program.
  3. Eligibility Criteria: Graduate student employees are eligible for this program who meet the following criteria:
    1. Are in good employment standing, including conduct and performance
    2. Are dependent on their Principal Investigator for employment
    3. Have been with their Principal Investigator for at least three quarters (or the equivalent amount of time)
    4. The graduate student employee has made a clear argument, corroborated by the department, that there is an irreparable employment-related conflict in the supervisor-supervisee relationship and that the supervisor relationship is beyond repair for reasons outside of the graduate student employee’s control, or that the graduate student employee’s PI left the University.
    5. Has not previously received a transitional position.
  4. Application Process: Graduate student employees meeting the eligibility criteria should complete an application,  save it as a PDF, and submit it thru Graduate Division’s Service Now.
    1. Applications will be forwarded to the associate dean(s) of the employee’s hiring School. 
    2. The applicant’s school will review each application, determine whether the request is approved or denied, and communicate the outcome to the applicant.
  5. TPPP Position:
    1. If approved, a TPPP position must be an employment position (not a fellowship), and the TPPP position can be either a GSR or ASE appointment and can be provided for a full or partial quarter.
    2. In most circumstances, the appointment percentage and salary point for the TPPP position should be the same or substantially similar to the original appointment.
    3. Depending on the reason for and timing of the transition, the graduate student employee’s original PI may ask the graduate student employee to finish wrapping up work assignments even if the graduate student employee has already transitioned to a new work assignment.
      1. In no case will a graduate student employee who receives a transitional position be asked to continue work at their former lab/unit for longer than a period of two weeks.
      2. In no case will wrapping up work assignments cause a graduate student employee to exceed their total allotted FTE per the Time and Effort Commitment article of the BR CBA.
  6. Conclusion of Program: TPPP applications will remain available until either the 6 transitional position or the $70,000 funding limit is fulfilled.