Chancellor’s Club Fellowship
Fellowship details

The Graduate Division is pleased to announce the AY 2024-2025 competition for the Chancellor’s Club Fund for Excellence Fellowships. All Schools are invited to submit one nomination each.
Chancellor’s Club Fellowships are intended to recognize our most academically superior doctoral and MFA students — those who exhibit outstanding promise as scholars, researchers, and public leaders. Please note, nominated students must be first-generation college students, with neither parent having received a four-year degree.
Two Chancellor’s Club Fellows will be awarded a six-month stipend for a total of $23,000 for the period of January through June . These fellowships do not include tuition and fees. Awardees’ Schools will be expected to cover the cost of the tuition and fees for Winter and Spring quarter.
Application Open: September 23, 2024
School Nomination Deadline: October 31, 2024 by 5pm
Please note that Schools and Departments set earlier internal deadlines for limited submission or “school nominated” fellowships such as this. Therefore, interested students should contact their program or department regarding deadlines that pertain to them.
All Schools are invited to nominate one outstanding doctoral student who meets the following minimum criteria:
- Plan to complete their Ph.D. or MFA degree by the end of Fall quarter 2025
- Have a minimum graduate-level UCI GPA of 3.7
- If a doctoral student, be advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. by October 31, 2024
- Demonstrate financial need
- Be willing to present their dissertation research at a Chancellor’s Club dinner or other function
- Exhibit excellent interpersonal and leadership abilities
- Be a first-generation college student, with neither parent having received a four-year degree
Each School’s package should be submitted by the School’s Associate Dean and must include:
- A completed Chancellor’s Club Fellowship Nomination Form
- A completed Chancellor’s Club Student Information Form, including the financial need, student profile, and student research sections
- The student’s current curriculum vitae
- A confidential letter of recommendation from the faculty advisor/mentor including the student’s planned term of graduation and expressing the advisor’s level of confidence in the student’s ability to complete as planned
Nominations will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Demonstration of financial need
- Evidence of strong communication skills
- Demonstration of leadership ability
- Academic achievements and promise
- Likelihood of degree completion by the end of Fall quarter
Schools may submit their nomination to and CC on or before October 31, 2024 by 5pm
- Students receiving this award are required to file all final degree paperwork by the end of Fall quarter 2025. Award funds will be returned by the school to Graduate Division if the student does not meet this requirement.
- The faculty advisor’s letter of recommendation should include the student’s expected graduation date and express the advisor’s level of confidence in the student’s ability to complete as planned.
- Students should review the Terms and Conditions to ensure that they are eligible to receive fellowship or scholarship funding before applying.
- For students already receiving financial aid, acceptance of additional funding may affect their overall financial need-based support package. In such cases, students are strongly encouraged to consult with the UCI Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.