Wellness & Inclusion Workshops

The Graduate Division’s Wellness and Inclusion Services offers workshops on the intersection of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and wellness. The workshops are designed to equip graduate students and academic professionals with essential tools to navigate complex DEI and wellness issues. Participants will gain knowledge and strategies to recognize and address unconscious bias, prioritize cultural wellness, and manage burnout to promote inclusion, wellness, and success throughout their academic journey.

All UCI campus partners can request an individual workshop or the full series. Please contact Phong Luong (pbluong@uci.edu) for more information or to request a workshop.

Unconscious Bias: The Power of Self-Awareness

Explores the concept of unconscious bias and its impact on personal interactions. Participants will reflect on their own personal and social identities, learn how to identify personal biases, recognize how bias manifests itself in their field, and develop strategies to address biases and challenge stereotypes.

Jade M. Turner, M.S.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Cultural Wellness and Personal Development

Examines the intersection of social and cultural identity with wellness and society. Participants will reflect on their personal, social, cultural, academic, and career development, recognizing the significance of cultural identity for both personal and community growth. By focusing on cultural wellness, participants can develop strategies to support the health of one’s identities and community.

Jade M. Turner, M.S.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Amelle Beauvil, M.S.
Graduate Counselor

Managing Burnout and Creating Career Longevity

Focuses on the demands and stresses of academic life, which can leave graduate students and academic professionals vulnerable to burnout. Participants will learn effective strategies to manage burnout, increase productivity, and achieve their academic goals. By prioritizing burnout management strategies, individuals can sustain their motivation and success, prevent exhaustion and disengagement, and cultivate longevity in their academic and future careers.

Amelle Beauvil, M.S.
Graduate Counselor

Phong Luong, Psy.D.
Director, Wellness and Inclusion