Graduate Division Dean's Update: 1/7/25
Dear Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars,
Well… this week has been a whirlwind, and I might be at a loss for words. But there are two things I want you to know:
- We’re closely monitoring how the latest decisions could impact graduate education and students’ lives.
- We’ve got your back. A team of incredibly smart and compassionate people is looking out for you.
With that said, I know I’m feeling a little unsettled, and I was recently given some somatic exercises to help regulate my nervous system. These are especially helpful because, unlike meditation or other calming techniques, they take just a few moments.
Here are a few simple ways to ground yourself:
- Walk around barefoot, paying close attention to how different surfaces feel under your feet.
- Wrap yourself in a weighted blanket or sheet.
- Place a cold or warm compress on your eyes for a few moments and focus on the sensation.
- Pet your dog or cat, noticing the texture of their fur.
- Run cold or warm water over your hands, tuning into how it feels.
- Listen to calming music and let it soothe you.
- Lie down and slowly release tension from your body, starting from your toes and working up to the top of your head.
- Place one hand on your heart and the other on your forehead. Close your eyes and take slow, steady breaths for a few minutes.
There are plenty of other techniques you can explore under “somatic exercises.” Try a couple whenever you feel your heart rate picking up.
And don’t forget—drink some water.
On an exciting note, we held our annual Grad Slam Semifinals competition today, and all I can say is – WOW! Congratulations to the 10 students below for advancing to our UCI Grad Slam Finals event on March 13th. Stay tuned to our social media handles and website for more details.
Sydney Prange, Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Mary Thuy Nguyen, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Siwei Hu, Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Doreen Hill, School of Social Sciences
Kathryn Jones, Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Spencer Matthews, Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences
Kunlei He, School of Education
Emily Tom, School of Medicine
Tessa Chou, School of Medicine
Casey Vanderlip, Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
As always, my executive team and I will still be holding office hours in the coming weeks. Please see the times below. They are first come, first serve:
Wednesday, February 12 – 11:30 AM
Friday, February 14 – 11:30 AM
Wednesday, February 26 – Noon
Thursday, February 27 – 1:00 PM
Now on to the rest of this week’s events and opportunities:
Find Your Midweek Calm
Wednesday, Feb 26 | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm PT
Register Here
It’s easy for us to get lost in the chaos of the week and feel rushed along with the fast pace of our lives. All graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are invited to take a moment to focus on their wellness and success during this drop-in space. Activities encouraging mindfulness, creativity, and self-reflection will be available, and a Graduate Division Counselor will be present to foster dialogue, debrief the week so far, and provide wellness support. Tea and coffee will be made available to participants.
This session will provide participants with the opportunity to: create a grounding stone, design a postcard with a message to their future self, color, or journal.
Register Now for the CSU Pre-Professor Program (PREPP) Fall 25 Information Session
Thursday, February 20th at 12PM
Register Here
The session will provide an overview of the CSU PREPP program and application process. Materials and recordings will be shared with registrants after the event.
The Pre-Professor Program (PREPP) is designed to support the University of California, Irvine (UCI) doctoral students’ transition to a faculty position by engaging them in a semester-long program at a California State University (CSU) campus. In addition, PREPP is a blueprint to support CSU’s efforts to foster a pipeline for prospective new faculty. The goal of PREPP is to immerse participants in the life of a faculty member at a comprehensive master’s granting institution. PREPP fellows will have individual mentorship from an experienced Faculty Mentor in three broad categories: Instruction, Understanding the Campus Culture, and Service.
We accept applications from candidates with expertise in any discipline/department represented at CSU. Visit the CSU website to determine if your area of study is represented at a CSU. Applicants from underrepresented groups and those who are champions of diversity are encouraged to apply.
The application deadline for Fall 2025 is Friday, March 28, 2025, by 11:55PM.
For more information, including application information, please check the PREPP webpage.
California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP)- Application Deadline February 17, 2025
About the Program
The California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) provides an opportunity for exceptional doctoral students interested in teaching in the CSU to receive comprehensive support during their doctoral studies. The CSU has an ambitious goal of increasing graduation rates for all students while eliminating opportunity and achievement gaps. Fundamental to meeting this goal is supporting efforts to create a qualified and diverse faculty to meet the needs of the most ethnically and economically diverse student body in the nation.
CDIP is committed to supporting promising doctoral students who aspire to join the CSU faculty ranks. Among those fellows who earned their doctoral degree, 69% have obtained a faculty position at a CSU campus.
Program Benefits
- Mentorship
- Dissertation Fellowship
- Grant Funding
- Institutional Loan
Eligibility Requirements
- Full-time doctoral students currently enrolled in an accredited program in the U.S. or undergraduate and master’s level graduate students currently applying to an accredited doctoral program in the U.S.
- A strong desire to teach the diverse student body at the CSU.
- Applicant does not have to be a CSU student, but must have a CSU Faculty Mentor.
- S. citizenship is not required, but applicants must be eligible to work in the U.S. for CSU faculty positions.
Application Elements
- Curriculum Vitae
- Qualifications and Motivation Statement
- Collaborative Plan of Support
- Two Letters of Recommendation (one letter must be from proposed CSU Faculty Mentor).
Application Timeline
- Application deadline: February 17, 2025.
- Letter of Recommendations deadline: March 3, 2025.
- Decisions announced: June 15, 2025.
Important Links
- Program website:
- Application guidelines:
- Campus coordinators:
Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshop
Graduate Division and UCI Libraries will be hosting two online workshops for Thesis and Dissertation Formatting. This workshop is intended for graduate students who are planning to submit a thesis or dissertation as part of their degree. Please register if they would like to attend, or if they would like a recording of the workshop.
Feb 26, 1-2pm:
April 30, 12-1pm:
Research in Implementation Science for Equity (RISE) Program
Research in ImplemResearch in Implementation Science for Equity (RISE) is an all-expenses-paid training opportunity for junior faculty who are underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. RISE is designed to train competitive scientists and enhance the diversity of the biomedical research workforce. The program involves a two-week RISE Summer Institute, focused on implementation science and career mentoring, which is hosted by UCSF’s Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in partnership with the Center for Vulnerable Populations in July in San Francisco. RISE Scholars also complete a second institute the following summer.
RISE is a part of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Program to Increase Diversity among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (NHLBI-PRIDE). It is funded through an NHLBI grant R25HL126146.
Recruitment for Cohort 12 (2025-2026) is now open. Click here for more details about the program and how to apply.
Partnerships for Research in Implementation Science for Equity in Heart and Lung Diseases (PRISE-HL) T32 Program
In March 2023, the PRISE Center was awarded a T32 grant from The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). The goal of the Partnerships for Research in Implementation Science for Equity in Heart and Lung Diseases (PRISE-HL) T32 program is to provide support to outstanding post-doctoral scholars with interdisciplinary training in implementation science and health equity approaches to help transform the uptake and delivery of evidence-based interventions for heart and lung diseases in clinical and community settings. Trainees will benefit from a team-based approach to mentoring through a career development committee that includes one faculty member with content expertise in clinical or translational research in heart and lung diseases, one faculty member with methodological expertise in implementation science-based methods, and one faculty member with expertise in health equity research (if not already covered).
There are FOUR open positions in the PRISE Center sponsored T32, to start by July 1, 2025. The location for this postdoc position is the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) or the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The position may be fully remote or hybrid, depending on the research scope.
One-year training slots are available on a competitive basis to trainees proposing implementation science research in NHLBI priority areas (heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders), with a focus on health disparities.
For questions: Contact the PRISE Center Program Manager: Tiese Etim-Inyang,
Now accepting applications (deadline 2/15/25)
2025 Summer Institute in Latino/a/x/e Humanities Studies, Methodologies and Theories
June 20-29, 2025, Chicago, Illinois
As part of our leadership in the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities, UC Irvine announces the call for the Crossing Latinidades Humanities Research Initiative – Summer Institute in U.S. Latino/a/x/e Humanities Studies Methodologies and Theories.
Eligible doctoral applicants must have completed their second or third year in a U.S. Latino/a/x/e humanities and/or humanistic social science Ph.D. program, be in good academic standing, and not yet be ABD by May 2025.
The Summer Institute is an intense in-person pre-doctoral program for those interested in pursuing a dissertation project on U.S. Latino/a/x/e topics and is held at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) campus. Each participant receives a $3,000 stipend to cover travel, transportation, a few meals not offered by the institute, and other expenses and incidentals incurred while attending. Housing is provided in shared apartments on the UIC campus. After successfully completing all sessions and activities in the Summer Institute, participants will be enrolled in the two-semester Crossing Latinidades Mentorship and Professionalization Program with a faculty mentor of their choice outside their university. Participants are also required to attend virtual Professionalization Workshops during Fall of 2025 and Spring 2026.
With this application, you may also be considered for a Crossing Latinidades Predoctoral Research Fellowship in 2025-2026 (pending funding). To be eligible, you must agree and commit to work 20 hours per week in a Latino/a/x/e research project with a faculty member at your own university. You must forego any other employment, such as TAships, GRAships, hourly employment. and/or any other type of outside employment.
Application requirements:
Application Cover Sheet & Questionnaire (linked on Google Form)
- 1-2 paragraphs on your general topic of study and interest for a future U.S. Latino/a/x/e Humanities dissertation project
- Narrative (1000 words or less)
- CV
- Two Letters of Recommendation
Submit application and letters of recommendation at:
Questions? Please see the attached FAQ document or contact Belinda Campos, Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies, at
Reminder to Take Part in Habit Story Assessment
As a reminder, Graduate Division has an exciting opportunity tailored for PhD students at UC Irvine. This assessment is geared toward PhD students.
The Grad Division is thrilled to offer you a chance to participate in an innovative student success and professional development program. This program is designed to:
- Identify your productive habits and strengths
- Discover your derailers so you can stay on track
- Equip you with actionable strategies to reach your full potential and manage the stress of your doctoral program
Why Participate?
- Exclusive Access: This program is valued at $240 per person, but Grad Division completely covers the cost
- Tailored to PhD Students: Specifically designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities in doctoral studies
- Personalized Guidance: Receive customized insights and strategies through the Digital Coach
What does the program include?
- You are invited to complete Habit Story, an assessment designed to measure your productive and counterproductive habits (est. time commitment: 18 – 24 minutes)
- Then, over the next four weeks, you will receive an email with access to participate in four (4) self-guided “Discovery Sessions” with the Digital Coach, guiding you through a process of self-reflection and coaching.
To get started, please click here. Upon creating your account, you will be prompted to enter a product; please use “7956ce692d4”.
If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please access user support through the chat bubble on the bottom right corner of your screen or contact us at
Take Advantage of Division of Career Pathways’ Professional Photo Booth
The Division of Career Pathways (DCP) is pleased to introduce our all-new Professional Photo Booth, a complimentary, walk-in service at the Division of Career Pathways offering FREE professional headshots for UCI students, staff, and faculty. These professional headshots are perfect for your LinkedIn/ Handshake/ Zoom profile, department website, and also works for UCI Digital ID photo requirements.
Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program
The Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program is a transformational award for early career researchers who show exceptional promise of becoming outstanding leaders in academic science, making foundational discoveries while building an inclusive scientific culture. Through their successful careers, Hanna Gray Fellows will move science forward and will recruit, mentor, and inspire the next generation of scientists from all backgrounds.
Deadline: February 26, 2025
Transformative award for early career biomedical researchers showing exceptional promise to become leaders in science. Funding is variable, 2-4 years.
L’Oreal USA for Women in STEM
The L’Oréal USA For Women in Science program awards five women postdoctoral scientists annually with grants for their contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations
Deadline: February 14, 2025
Funding is $75,000 but that’s still a lot and this prestigious award is made to five exceptional female scientists annually who are looking to advance their research and serve as role models for the next generation of girls in STEM.
NBR Chinese Language Fellowship – Now Accepting Applications
The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) is pleased to announce that the Chinese Language Fellowship Program (CLFP) is accepting applications for the 2025–26 academic year. The deadline for applications is February 17, 2025.
The CLFP, sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, provides fellowships of up to $50,000 for American graduate students (PhD and current or recent MA) so that they can devote one year to intensive Chinese language training at an institution of the fellow’s choice, generally in China or Taiwan. The fellowship is intended to cover all expenses at a graduate student level, including tuition, housing, living stipend, and other miscellaneous fees.
To be eligible for a fellowship, an applicant will:
- Be a current or recent MA-level graduate student, or a current PhD-level student
- Be able to demonstrate a minimum of intermediate Chinese language skills
- Be able to devote themselves to full-time intensive Chinese-language study for one academic year
- Desire to advance U.S. public policy toward China through improved expertise and understanding, or to contribute to scholarly research and teaching on China in order to develop future generations of China specialists
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States
Interested applicants can learn more about the program at or by contacting Virtual consultations and information sessions are available upon request. We will also be hosting virtual information sessions in late 2024 and early 2025 (dates and times TBD).
ResearchAmer!ca’s Civic Engagement Microgrant Program
ResearchAmer!ca is awarding microgrants of up to $3,000 on a rolling basis to STEM groups led by master’s, PhD, postdoc, or professional students to design and execute projects that create dialogue with public officials, local community leaders, and the public around issues of common concern. These funds provide opportunities for grantees to develop skills in areas such as communication and program planning, along with an understanding of public policy and government to have an impact in their local communities. Click here for more information.
- Award: Up to $3,000
- Deadline: Rolling
- Apply here:
Dean’s Recent Alumni Fellowship
This fellowship aims at easing the transition from graduate school into full-time careers either in academia or other industries. While the fellowship is unpaid, a recipient of this fellowship will receive access to resources that will pay immense dividends going forward and was developed in consultation with young professionals and alumni to provide resources they wished they had access to while in graduate school. Click above for more information and to apply.
More information is located on the Current Fellowships page and 2023-24 Funding Timeline. Additionally, please reach out to Turner Dahl ( with any questions you may have.
In Closing
In moments like this, I personally like to embrace absurdity in all forms. So here are two tidbits to help you smile.
A man in London stole 950 wheels, or 48,500 pounds of special cheddar cheese. Valued at $389,000, it must have been very special cheddar indeed. That’s a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches.
A researcher who studied bioluminescence recently started a company to sell what was initially an accidental byproduct of his experiments. The Firefly Petunia resembles a typical plant during the day, but once night falls, the white flowers begin to emit a glow. I’m personally tempted to buy several of them and plant them in my front yard before my neighbors find out about this. I just want to see their reactions as they walk by.
All the best,
Jaymi Lee Smith
Interim Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Interim Dean of the Graduate Division