Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship

Fellowship details

Application Status
application status icon
$5,000 stipend
Period of Funding
Summer quarter
Citizenship Requirements
No requirement


The UCI Graduate Division is pleased to announce a fellowship for students nearing completion of their dissertations/thesis. The Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, GDDF, aims to increase dissertation and thesis completion amongst doctoral and MFA students. This award is intended for students in their final year of graduate study who have a realistic expectation of degree completion during the 2025-2026 academic year. The award will allow students to forgo their non-research related employment obligations to concentrate on completing their degree.

Award Information

The Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship (GDDF) offers a $5,000 stipend during the summer 2025 for students who are close to completing their dissertation or thesis in the 2025-2026 academic year.

Schools are invited to submit up to three nominations.

Important Dates

Application Open:  March 3, 2025
School Submission Deadline:  April 18, 2025

Please note that Schools and Departments typically have earlier internal deadlines for fellowship submissions. Please contact your School or Department for details.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nominees must be enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. or MFA program and nearing the completion of their dissertation or thesis 
  • Nominees must be enrolled in Fall 2025 and file for graduation no later than Summer 2026 
  • Nominees must provide evidence in their application that the timeframe to file their degree is reasonable 
  • Nominees must maintain a 3.0 GPA  
  • Although employment during the fellowship period is not recommended, it is permitted. 
  • Nominees may not be past their academic program’s maximum time-to-degree 
  • United States Citizens, Permanent Residents, AB540, and International Students are eligible to be nominated 

Nomination Process

Eligible students are to complete the student application form, compile the materials listed below, and provide this to their department.  Schools are asked to internally select up to three applications and submit these to the Graduate Division.


Students must submit the GDDF Student Application Form electronically to their department before the internal department/program deadline. Include the following items in a single PDF: 

  1. Completed GDDF Student Application Form
  2. Student Statement that addresses the following areas (500 words max)
    • Research Status: Brief non-technical description of your research status and progress to date
    • Detailed Plan: Timeline for degree completion
    • Rationale: Explanation of how this fellowship would help you finish within the specific timeline
  3. Past Employment: Description of past university employment while a graduate student
  4. Funding: List of funding/fellowships you received or expect to receive, including year and amount
  5. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  6. Unofficial academic transcripts
    • Note: Students must be in good academic standing to receive this fellowship. Winter Quarter grades will be reviewed before nominees are awarded fellowship. Spring Quarter grades will be reviewed before funds are dispersed. Failure to meet academic requirements may result in removal from fellowship.


Departments must complete the GDDF Department Nomination Form for each student the department is nominating. Create a single PDF containing the following items: 

  1. Completed GDDF Student Application Form & Materials (items 1 – 6 above)
  2. Completed GDDF Department Nomination Form
  3. Letter of recommendation from dissertation committee chair

Schools must submit the completed application materials for their top three nominees using the School Submission Link


  • GDDF fellows are required to file their dissertation during the 2025-2026 academic year and must file their degree no later than summer 2026 
  • Department/Schools/Colleges will be required to re-pay the awarded funds to the Graduate Division if the filing requirement is not met 
  • GDDF fellows are no longer eligible for Graduate Division fellowship funding after the end of the summer fellowship term 
  • Students should review the Terms and Conditions to ensure that they are eligible to receive fellowship or scholarship funding before applying.
  • For students already receiving financial aid, acceptance of additional funding may affect their overall financial need-based support package. In such cases, students are strongly encouraged to consult with the UCI Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
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